How To Made Spcy Asian Sambal in USA?


  • Garlic
  • Red onion
  • Ground chili
  • Anchovies
  • Cooking oil
  • Tamarind paste
  • 2 large onions, thinly sliced
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Seasoning powder (or aji)


  1. Prepare a pan.

  2. Heat about 2 ladles of cooking oil.

  3. Clean the anchovies and drain them. Fry the anchovies until crispy. Remove and drain.

  4. Add about 1.5 ladles of ground onions (both garlic and red onion) into the pan. Add 1 teaspoon of salt; this helps the onions crisp up faster. When the onions turn golden brown, add 2 ladles of ground chili.

  5. Add a few tablespoons of sugar. The sugar is added early so the chili crisps up faster. Add tamarind paste; I use Adabi brand as it doesn't need to be mixed with water.

  6. Stir well and add the thinly sliced large onions. Kids usually don’t like onions, but when done this way, they aren’t visible. When selling sambal, adding lots of large onions makes it look like there's more sambal.

  7. Reduce the heat. Stir the sambal until it's truly crispy. This process takes a little time. When people around you start sneezing, it means the sambal is crispy enough.

  8. Add hot/warm water, about 2 cups. Stir well and let the sambal thicken a bit. Then, add the fried anchovies.

  9. Stir thoroughly. Adjust the salt and sugar to taste. Turn off the heat. Done.

Credit: Chek Kuna Ahmad

How To Made Spcy Asian Sambal in USA? How To Made Spcy Asian Sambal in USA? Reviewed by Admin on Ogos 25, 2024 Rating: 5

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